18 años ayudando a las empresas ecuatorianas
a elegir el mejor software

¿Qué es Mindbody?
MINDBODY mejora la experiencia del cliente, desde que encuentra tu salón de belleza en la aplicación hasta su próxima visita. Mejora tu salón de belleza con automatizaciones de marketing, programación, gestión de personal, procesamiento de pagos, recordatorios automáticos, creación de informes y más. ¿Estás creando tu marca? No olvides ofrecer una aplicación personalizada. Ahorra tiempo y brinda a tus clientes la atención que merecen. Programa tu demostración gratuita hoy mismo.
¿Quién usa Mindbody?
MINDBODY atiende y ofrece asistencia a salones de tamaño pequeño, mediano y grande en todo el mundo.
¿Tienes dudas sobre Mindbody?
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Opinones de Mindbody

Great for certain things
Lo recomiendo es súper confiable.
Comentarios: Hev mejorado en cuestión de coaching atrayendo mas clientes, mejorando mis servicios.
Puntos a favor:
los programas y guías para conectar con nuestra mente alinear nuestro cuerpo, el personal súper calificado y muy profesional. La plataforma de lo mejor super completa, actualizada, con organizadores, calendario, control de pago, planificador... etc.
En sí esta super excelente. Solo le agregaría hacerla más entretenida, más dinámica.

Muy buena solucion para negocios que requieran reservas
Comentarios: La usé para un cliente que requería una solución de reservas para su negocio, funciono muy bien, aunque fue un poco difícil de aprender
Puntos a favor:
Tiene amplia gama de funcionalidades, que sirve sobre todo para crear sistemas de reservas
Un poco compleja de usar, sobre todo para personas que no tiene mucho conocimiento de sistemas de esta índole
Set your mind with Mindbody
Comentarios: Buena, tiene varias cosas por mejorar pero creo que si siguen así pueden ofrecer una gran solución o ayuda para las empresas o negocios de gimnasia
Puntos a favor:
Es un software que es muy bueno y de gran ayuda para empresas o negocios relacionados con el gimnasio,su servicio al cliente es bueno,en general no esta mal
Es algo complicado de implementar y de usar al principio lo que lo hace un poco engorroso al principio pero con algo de paciencia se puede implementar y aprender de el rapidamente.
Alternativas consideradas:
Es adaptable para todo
Comentarios: Es tu poder transmitirle a tus usuarios como llevar una vida saludable, y sus diversidad de programas de entrenamiento
Puntos a favor:
Como puedo mantener el control en mi departamento, y brindarle a mi personal una vida saludable e organizada
Compromete al usuario para llevar su rutina, para algunas personas le parece insistencia
DESPROTEGIDO TOTALMENTE, ENÓRMES PÉRDIDAS, nada de soluciones a graves problemas, mucha inseguridad
Comentarios: Se decidió comenzar con Mindbody sin haber valorado otras opciones. tiene muchas funciones pero ante un problema de funcionamiento no se responsabilizan, Los costes son elevados teniendo en cuenta la falta de soluciones ante fallos graves de su sistema de reservas online. ESPERANDO UNA RESPUESTA Y SOLUCIÓN A LOS PROBLEMAS QUE NOS SIGUEN SUCEDIENDO , me encuentro escribiendo esta valoración después de MAS DE 2 AÑOS COMO USUARIO. Estamos calculando los costes de migrar todo a otra plataforma, hemos desarrollado con consultoras IT integración en crm Bitrix y hemos invertidos varios Miles de Euros en todo el proceso, Facturamos más de 120.000€ al mes a través de este sistema y no tenemos garantias, su contrato no te protege ante fallos, Mindbody no asume responsabilidad alguna en este sentido. PONER TU NEGOCIO Y TU SISTEMA EN UN SOFTWARE QUE NO TE DA SOLUCIONES PUEDE SER MUY PERJUDICIAL, TAL Y COMO NOS ESTÁ SUCEDIENDO EN ESTOS MOMENTOS.
Puntos a favor:
El Sofware se decidió implantar por su capacidad de integrar con la web a través de un widget y de la opción de la App, en el mercado existen otras soluciones mucho mejores y más económicas, pero después de 2 años el coste de migrar y reprogramar todo es enorme, ya que contamos con cientos de miles de clientes . ya hemos tenido muchos fallos y un mal soporte por esto estamos valorando abandonar Mindbody, ya que el año 2019-2020 tuvimos serios problemas sin solución con su antigua pasarela de pagos en europa. no procesaba los pagos de nuestros clientes, ellos decían que era culpa de Gateway de pago externo a ellos, pero aún así no nos buscaban solución, perdimos más de 40.000€ en ventas en un periodo de 3 meses. Finalmente el gateway de pago demostró basado en argumentaciones que el error era de Mindbody por su codificación en el tipo de ventas que aparecían como subsecuentes, lo que el banco en España entiende como un servicio de subscripción a través de tarjeta no autorizado y rechaza el pago. además de esto tenían un fallo en ell campo de la dirección del titular de la tarjeta, la cual no tenía límite de carateres o símbolos especiales, los cuales rechazaban las compras pero no indicaba al cliente el motivo, lo cual se traducía en grandes pérdidas para nosotros. Estuvimos detrás de Mindbody meses, no reconocieron nunca el fallo para no asumir responsabilidad. al mismo tiempo su contrato de deja muy desprotegido. (SI DAN SOLUCIÓN ESTOY DISPUESTO A MODIFICAR MI VALORACIÓN)
Su falta de solución de problemas ocasiona enormes pérdidas, en este momento llevamos meses acumulando un FALLO GRAVE en su sistema de reservas online. Actualmente procesamos más de 4.000 reservas mensuales de las cuales aproximadamente 3.000 se basan en nuestro modelo de negocio de reservas online a través de la "branded App" y del widget de la "branded web". Hemos solicitado que revisen y solucionen UN FALLO QUE NOS ESTÁ HACIENDO PERDER CLIENTES CADA DÍA, ADEMÁS DE LA REPUTACIÓN Y LA CONFIANZA EN NUESTRO MODELO DE NEGOCIO. el problema está en que MUCHAS RESERVAS PAGAN Y NO REGISTRA SU CITA, ante esto los clientes ACUDEN A LA CITA PERO NO ESTÁN EN LAS AGENDAS, esto ocasiona unos GRAVES PERJUICIOS Y PÉRDIDA DE CLIENTES , además de las devoluciones . La vida de un cliente es de entre 1200 y 2400€ , ya hemos tenido problemas con más de 100 clientes en este sentido, lo cual está ocasionando una gran pérdida económica. Ellos siguen sin reconocer el fallo por escrito ni buscar solución, NOS PIDEN QUE INVESTIGUEMOS NOSOTROS PARA DAR CON EL FALLO, Cuando está claro que es su responsabilidad identificar el fallo a partir de los datos que proporcionamos (Clientes, fechas, servicios contratados,...) Seguimos valorando las opciones de migrar a otra empresa, pero los costes de recursos de tiempo para llevar todo a otro sistema que tenga una API que conecte con nuestro CRM y nuestros sistemas web, además de migrar todos los saldos de clientes es algo que no hemos terminado de calcular.
Puntos a favor:
Facil de utilizar para las reservas de clases
El precio es mas elevado que otras aplicaciones

awesome software to fulfill your needs!
Comentarios: Overall, I love how this software helps me and our company on our needs.
Puntos a favor:
finding about beauty needs can all see in this software. It is easy to use, can customize, and consists a lot of great features.
I’m just disappointed on its customer services. it takes a long time to take action.
great software for planning and managing sports and beauty institutes
Comentarios: my experience with mind boy is wonderful
Puntos a favor:
MINDBOY helps us to manage our sports salons by scheduling appointments and guaranteeing transparency in the management of our activities. a booking tool for customers
customer service does not respond quickly. the software is a bit slow and bugs
Ok to start...
Comentarios: We had a decent run- but ultimately got priced out as the continual increases with out more features didn't make sense.
Puntos a favor:
Pretty easy to use overall. We switched from a very basic software program so initially the features were nice and allowed for different sales paths that we enjoyed offering to clients.
Constant price increases and upcharging for features.
If you care about your business, stay away from them
Comentarios: If I can give a shit, they deserve tons of the shit!
Puntos a favor:
there is nothing worth for anyone to pay for Mindbody. They are big, they dont care about you little money every month. They have the good tech focusing on to make their review looks good but not doing they suppose to do.
Their management is very sloppy. techs are spoiled. Nobody care about their business. if you really care about yours, stay away from this damn site
Pretty good
Comentarios: It was good overall. Certain aspects created a few issues but it was mostly good.
Puntos a favor:
It had all the features you needed for operating a small fitness studio
I can’t remember the specific details at this time but I remember that I wasn’t able to offer session packages in a certain way and had to switch to biweekly billing as a work around.
Alternativas consideradas:
Overall VERY Disappointed.
Comentarios: So far I have only been with Mindbody for 6 months. And it is a nightmare.
Puntos a favor:
I like that they had a marketplace with other business', and that you can run a new client special that people can easily see.
I switched from wellness living to mindbody in January of this year. I thought it would make my life easier, but it has done quite the opposite. First off may I start with the fact that mindbody allows you to set up late/no show fees but does not charge the customer automatically. I would manually have to go in and do that myself. Also, the fact that they must be in a contract for them to even store a credit card to charge is ridiculous to me. Also, every time I call for help, I am told I must do everything myself in front of a laptop, half the time people spend forever trying to figure out what’s the issue and then just never solve it and send me a bunch of emails on step by step how to do it myself. Not very convenient. Another issue I have is that all my emails that get sent out for campaigns and advertising just go to all my clients spam folders. Which defeats the purpose because they can never see them, and apparently you must have a domain email instead of a Gmail for this to even be reversed. Having all my advertising emails go to client’s spam folder is HUGE and is super bad for the business. Their only advice is to buy a domain email, which Is much too late for my business to change my email now. OR to ask every individual client to add the email I have as a contact, which there is no easy way to do. You think oh just send them all an email to ask them. Oh, wait they still wouldn’t be able to see it. I also created a new client form that I wanted people to be required to sign just once for the remainder of their visits, and apparently, I would have to individually send it to ALL MY EXISTING CLIENTS for them to sign it. Which once again is a ridiculous request. To be honest I am highly disappointed with the software switch so far, and as a business owner I can't say I’m sure that I would recommend it. It has not at all been convenient for me, I must figure out everything on my own and every time I call for an issue I am placed on hold for an hour with the situation and then I get sent emails on how to fix it, and then I just never end up figuring it out. I think I spend even more of my time as an owner on the phone with customer service than I did with my last software, which is really disappointing. 90% of the time I get the answer from customer service, that they don’t know what the issue is. And I am like, well I don’t either considering I am just the owner of my own business? Then they just send me steps on how to fix it on their best guess of what the issue is. I don’t even see the point in customer service at this point.
When it works, it's great
Comentarios: This software has literally 100% of the features that I need out of a software to run my business smooth and efficiently, but I would kill for all those features to work closer to 90% of the time for the price I pay for it.
Puntos a favor:
Online booking Marketing suite with automated emails Appointment confirmations Personal branded app Membership and package management
Customer support is terrible Nobody ever seems to understand how to fix the recurrent problems with the software There are constant glitches All automated emails are routed to spam Credit card processing is severely delayed by up to 5 days It is lavishly expensive for what you get
The Worst Software Service Company!!
Comentarios: I am stunned to see even one positive review of this software and the company. We had the worst possible experience; nothing worked as promised. Customer service was rarely able to fix any of the issues we dealing with. We went from a completely booked schedule prior to MB, to a couple of appointments per day, almost all of which were booked over the phone. We lost thousands of dollars per month because of this software!!!! Our clients were so frustrated and the staff were beside themselves. After 4 months of trying to make this work for us, we finally gave up because NOTHING was fixed. To top it all off, we had to go with another platform and MB will not let us out of our contract even though we had such terrible experience, AND they won't let us drop down to a lower cost package even though we are no longer using them. We are stuck paying almost $1000 per month for their premium package that is not being used. I literally have never experiences such a complete and total disaster. We are now having to pay for two software platforms, MindBody, which is unusable, and then the one that actually works! BEWARE of this company!!!!
Puntos a favor:
NOTHING, they are a disaster! Not a single thing worked as promised. We lost thousands of dollars per month!!
Customer service is abysmal. It takes 10 phone calls to find the one person who might be able to help, but then the fix doesn't work the next day. Onboarding, our guy missed our first two onboarding calls and then had the nerve to say, well you never took advantage of your onboarding. THIS SOFTWARE DOES NOT WORK as promised.

Worst organized company NOT support whatsoever
Puntos a favor:
Nothing....you can have the best scheduling app ever but without customer support that can take up to 10 hours a week to obtain answers, stay on hold, repeat calls, confusion among the corporation of not writing things down from last conversation, it is not feasible to do business.
Their customer support is non existent and you will waste more time on the phone than doing work. We had them for10 + years and finally gave up. When we tried to leave them, they made it impossible to receive our data which is our entire database. They lied to us and said our database was wiped out immediately but it wasn't. Our losses with this company were vast.
Mindbody Application
Comentarios: I have only experienced Mindbody as a user, but am close with clients who use it as well. from a user standpoint is is great. but for clients can sometimes be finicky and is pricy.
Puntos a favor:
The simplicity and user friendly app available on phones.
Mindbody is quite pricy for clients to have an account with.
Robust functionality, software has issues
Comentarios: My overall experience was not great. Software has issues and add-on services have MAJOR issues. After years of trying to get customer service to remedy issues with add-ons and no resolutions I finally dropped all those services and eventually wound up getting a 3rd party partner to provide the services I needed.
Puntos a favor:
The core software has robust functionality, however the system is complex and not intuitive. I spent 6 years working in the software so I had learned over time how to accomplish what I needed to.
The system has a lot of issues and bugs. You will frequently run into issues where payment processing is not working. The core software functions okay, but the major issues lie in the add-on services like MessengerAI, Branded App, and Marketing Suite. I've tried all of these add-on services only to find that they don't function as promised.
Mindbody does it all!
Comentarios: Overall I'm very happy with Mindbody, having used it as a consumer in the past and now as an administrator/business owner. I have referred Mindbody to a friend with a business in Canada who was not happy with their booking software. They've since switched to Mindbody and are working on getting it set up to accommodate their business needs.
Puntos a favor:
I love Mindbody for the ease of scheduling clients in for appointments and the analytics are fantastic! I use them weekly to report sales to my accountant and review where my sales came from during a particular quarter. I adjusted my marketing approach as a result. I also really like the automations we can create so that clients are being welcomed, notified and asked for reviews at different stages of their experience with us. Thank you!
It was initially challenging to get set up so that my branded website worked seamlessly with Mindbody. I had to switch from using the 'appointment' setup to a 'class' setup because my business is such that, I can have up to 11 people in my center for each 2-hour session I offer. It created a fair amount of work to re-do it all but once it was switched to classes, it's working fine.
Mindbody - very powerful payment processing
Comentarios: Have been using Mindbody continuously over the past decade as the payment processing system for our business.
Puntos a favor:
From the end user standpoint, very easy to click links and pay
Doesn't always fit exactly what we are looking for with ease of use to enter our training sessions. The credit system isn't always the easiest for end users to understand, and thus for us to use.
MindBody review
Comentarios: I like the design features of Mindbody and how clean the interface is. However, it's features are not designed for a solo practice, and more for larger studios with more than just massage going on.
Puntos a favor:
I like that I could easily integrate the schedule with my calendar on my iPhone. I also liked the easy of customizing my schedule.
The price was too high for a solo practice.
Alternativas consideradas:
Amazing system
Comentarios: Great system overall. Best of all the other scheduling systems
Puntos a favor:
Easiest to use compared to other scheduling systmes
the least i like about the system is that it is a bit pricy
Respuesta de Mindbody
hace 8 meses
Thanks, Anessa. We're delighted that you've found our platform to be so helpful and easy to use!
Mindbody for an Athletic Training Facility
Puntos a favor:
I like that we can handle almost all of our business needs in one application.
I dislike how many aspects seem outdated. And I dislike when the software glitches or goes down.
Respuesta de Mindbody
hace 8 meses
Thanks for your review, Courtney! We definitely strive to be a comprehensive solution for our customers and have been leaning in heavily to deliver even more innovation and reliability for our platform over the past year. Please let us know if you ever need anything!
MINDBODY is Functional, But Not Great
Help Desk is responsive and generally very helpful, except when they guess at the answer and leave us spinning.
It's very expensive.
I don't like the app. The views are not a good representation of what is really going on with a client's account. The app is difficult for clients to navigate, yet they don't like to use the web version because it is inconvenient.
Sales Team is generally unresponsive.
Puntos a favor:
Available across the country so clients can book in advance. Ease of rosters
Expensive. Have to have an instance for each site. Recent Upgrades were not Upgrades. They messed things up. Inability to customize reports.
a taylored body
Puntos a favor:
Alot of options, reports and ways to use the software
kept increasing the price every year and no loyalty to long term customers
An Essential Tool for Wellness Professionals
Comentarios: Overall, my experience with Mindbody has been overwhelmingly positive. It has greatly reduced the administrative burden, allowing me to focus more on my clients. Despite a few minor drawbacks, it's a highly recommended tool for wellness professionals looking to enhance their business operations.
Puntos a favor:
I love the user-friendly interface, the streamlined scheduling, and the seamless integration with other platforms like Zoom and Shopify
The mobile business app lacks some features, making it difficult to manage all aspects of my business on the go.